The El Segundo Chamber of Commerce advocates for business-friendly legislation at all levels of government.
Government Affairs / Military Affairs / Education Committee
The El Segundo Chamber's Government Affairs / Military Affairs / Education Committee combines three areas of importance to both our business community and residential community in one efficient committee. This group meets monthly via Zoom at 11:30am. This group is made up of business leaders from both Fortune 500 companies, innovative start-ups, small business owners, local elected officials, school district representatives as well as elected official representatives from Sacramento and Washington DC. To attend this meeting, please contact Marsha Hansen at director@elsegundochamber.org.
For updates regarding our City Council or the Government Affairs Committee, be sure to sign-up for our electronic newsletters. You will receive the "Issue Watch" which is used to communicate important matters such as items coming before the City Council and issues that may impact your business. ISSUE WATCH is only sent to your in-box when there is an upcoming topic that may be of importance to your business.

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor Holly Mitchell
(2nd District)
500 W. Temple Street, Suite 866
Los Angeles, CA 90012
El Segundo City Council
350 Main Street
El Segundo CA 90245

Drew Boyles

Mayor Pro Tem
Chris Pimentel

Carol Pirsztuk

Lance Giroux

Ryan Baldino